Surviving Windows 8 First Encounter

After installing Windows 8 you might quickly find yourself at unease at doing few things the old way or “cornering” the mouse too much. The answer to your frustration is keyboard shortcuts! There are many but below are the ones that would save the day:

Windows + D Jump to Desktop mode
Windows Switch between Start screen and last app
Windows + Q Search Apps
Windows + W Search Settings
Windows + X A popup menu for power users� (Command Prompt, Control Panel, File Explorer, Computer Management etc)
Alt + F4 Close app (Metro app doesn’t have close button)
Windows + E Open explorer
Windows + R The good old Run dialog
Windows + C Open Charms bar (allows you to quickly go to Settings and Search options for the app)
Page Up/Down Move around tiles on Start screen
Ctrl+Shift+Esc Task Manager
Windows + Tab Recent Metro apps
Right Click on Tile Options for uninstall, pin, unpin, size etc
Windows + Z or Right Click inside Metro App Show App specific bar (for example, open file, play button etc)
Windows + . Snap metro app on left
Shital Shah

A program trying to understand what it’s computing.

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