NotepadX Preview Is Out!

This is the thing I needed since like 3 years now and I started writing it by myself early 2003. But I knew something like this should have been already out there and I was probably wasting mytime in doing it all over again. So I decided to write several reusable application components rather then app itself and then build the app as a “demo” of components. I used NotepadX for about an year as a solo user while evolving and writing more code to make it better. And just now I felt it’s pretty sophisticated and stable enough for other people to preview it. For non-geeky users, NotepadX is a powerful utility to maintain their data. For programmers it’s lots of reusable interesting source code.

Warning: This program was written circa 2003-2004 and last updated around Mar 26, 2004. It is currently considered obsolete. There are no plans to update it and no support is provided.

NotepadX is now archived at Github

Shital Shah

A program trying to understand what it’s computing.

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