Source Code For V3


I believe websites should give away their source code if you’d created it just for fun and it wasn’t for money. So yes, here’s the source code of this whole website itself! Points of interests: SiteData.mdb contains most of the data in relational format which you can query, lots of examples of user controls that I use as templates in DataGrid rows and it is a good example of how my SyFastPage framework actually gets used. The code may be slighly out of date as I do not plan to always keep it synchronized. This website is active since 1998 and its implementation had moved from HTML/JavaScript to ASP to finally its present day ASP.Net. The source code contains only most recent implementation.

Warning: This program was written circa 2002 and last updated around March 2005. It is currently considered obsolete. There are no plans to update it and no support is provided.

ShitalShahWebV3 is now archived at Github

Principal Research Engineer

A program trying to understand what it’s computing.