Favorite Links In Zip File

<div align="left" style="padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; float:left;">
  <A CLASS="NoLine" HREF="links_download.asp" TARGET="new" TITLE=""><IMG SRC="links_thumb.jpg" border="0" ALIGN="LEFT" ALT="" /></A>

  The list of one's favorite sites is a mirror of his/her<br /> personality and interests. I always try to keep record of all the sites I ever visit (my bowser's History option is always set to maximum!) and keep the<br /> interesting links in organized way. For an avid power surfer like me it's nothing less then secret box of treasure. And for the first time, over 1400 links to sites I've collected over last 3+ years<br /> is now public and downloadable! You can extract the zip file in to your browser's bookmark/favorite folder and check them out. I consider this<br /> collection as one of the most important thing available on this site. So go ahead and try it out!

  <BR /><BR /><BR /><br /> <A HREF="links_download.asp" TARGET="new" TITLE="links_download.asp" CLASS="ActiveLink">Click here to download</A><br /> <br /> 
  <DIV class="SmallText">
    <br /> <br /> (Written ~ (Various) &nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; Last Updated ~ N/A) <BR /></p> 
      <BR /><BR /><BR /><br /> Size: (Various) <BR /><br /> Includes Source: False<BR /><br /> Programming Language: - <BR /><br /> </DIV><br /> </TD></TR></TABLE>
Principal Research Engineer

A program trying to understand what it’s computing.